Long hours, hard work, at the whim of Maritime weather and sometimes, facing real danger in the rough waters of the Atlantic, this sums up how these men and women earn their living from the sea.
We thought you'd like to meet some of these extraordinary people who catch your fish!
I first encountered Tim Smith when he was a student, fishing with his father, Neal, during the summer of 1995. While Neal fished out of the port of West Head, Cape Sable Island, they were landing in Sambro while fishing for bluefin tuna that summer. Tim worked on deck, alongside other crew members, eagerly learning the ropes. He was to return to Acadia University that fall to continue his studies but continued to join his father in the summers, fishing swordfish and tuna until he finished at Acadia in 1997.

Tim would join his father fishing full time, lobster in the winter and tuna & swordfish in the summer until he eventually took over the “helm” in 2002. While there have been several vessels since 1995, Tim currently owns and captains the “Room for More” and still fishes out of the port of West Head. A consistent producer, Tim and his crew have provided us with fresh mahi-mahi, yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna, and swordfish throughout the season.

If you are a CBC fan, you may have recently caught an interview with Tim regarding his recent encounter with a white shark that snatched a tuna from their gear as they were retrieving it on a trip earlier this summer. If not, you can listen to it here on CBC's "Mainstreet Nova Scotia" radio show. Just goes to show you that you never know just what you might encounter off our beautiful coastline!
Tight lines!